August 2009
Dear Larry,

I came to the Villages in late Dec 2008 excited to play golf , pickle ball and badminton. I tried to do too much too soon and injured my knees and back. I had to admit to myself that I was out of shape and lacked flexibility. As a retired Chiropractor, I knew the best way to physically improve my aerobic capacity while injured was to exercise in the water. In Jan 2009 I read an article about Larry in the Daily Sun and off I went to my first Aerobics class.

What an experience! I couldn't keep up at all with the pace of a beautifully designed full body workout and I found that my body's back muscles were so contracted that during the cool down I could barely get my knees to my chest let alone to my chin.

For the next 90 days, rain or cold temperatures in Jan I was in the pool with Larry. On alternate days, I swam laps. When I started to swim, I could barely do 6 laps. 90 days later, I was swimming 50 laps easily. During Larry's class, I was keeping up with his pace of exercising. My body's back flexibility was the best ever and my knees had been totally rehabilitated. In the middle of the class when you race across the pool doing Washing Machine exercises, my goal was to beat Larry. On my last day in the pool I really gave him a run for his money but at the end , Larry's Aerobic capacity was still better than mine but just barely.

I am in a retirement transition year. Our house is waiting for us in the Village of Amelia. In Early Dec 2009 my wife Anne and I will become permanent residents in The Villages. However, Larry was kind to give me a copy of his CD which I play at the pool this summer I have continued to maintain strength and my better aerobic conditioning doing his work outs while completing my obligations as a doctor to my patients in my final 42nd year in practice.

As everyone who lives in The Villages learns, most importantly I have gained a new friend in Larry and look forward to be back in the pool at Savannah Center with him and all the villagers to continue to improve my aerobic capacity.

Your Friend,
Julian Timoner

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